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Artist’s book festival: Como Pedro por mi casa Festival

Como Pedro por mi casa Festival de libro de artista

When the passion for artist’s books is the point of union between two projects, the magic is printed directly on the paper. Because those of us who publish or work with the book as an artistic support are a kind of tribe, who recognise each other and become aware of the common desire for this material and its publishing possibilities, almost immediately. After the meeting, we just want to open the pages so that the magic expands. This is the illusion that has led Julia Pelletier and Laura González Palacios to join forces to present in Chiquita Room the twelfth edition of the artist book festival Como Pedro por mi casa. An event that bets on the domestic character of the book as an alternative staging to show works that would otherwise be confined to museum showcases.


17 December - 9 January 2021
17 December 2020 9 January 2021 Tuesday to Friday: 12 am – 8 pm Saturday: 11 am – 3 pm


Chiquita Room
  • Este evento ha pasado.

Book your tickets for Artist’s book festival: Como Pedro por mi casa
17 December - 9 January 2021
Tuesday to Friday
12 am – 8 pm Saturday
11 am – 3 pm

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17 December 2020 - 9 January 2021
Como Pedro por mi casa Festival de libro de artista

Como Pedro por mi casa Festival de libro de artista

Como Pedro por mi casa Festival de libro de artista

Como Pedro por mi casa Festival de libro de artista

Como Pedro por mi casa Festival de libro de artista

Como Pedro por mi casa Festival de libro de artista

Como Pedro por mi casa Festival de libro de artista

Como Pedro por mi casa Festival de libro de artista

Como Pedro por mi casa Festival de libro de artista

Como Pedro por mi casa Festival de libro de artista

Como Pedro por mi casa Festival de libro de artista

Como Pedro por mi casa Festival de libro de artista


Isabel Banal Xifré

Isabel Banal Xifré is a visual artist and teacher at the Escola Massana in Barcelona. Her rural origins and her bond with nature permeate all her work.

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Pere Ginard

Illustrator, filmmaker and alchemist. His work is based on the exploration of perpetual motion and the melancholy creation of duels, triumphs, monsters, prodigies and mystical outbursts, as well as sometimes unfinished observations of things that turn towards the sun and blond wavy-haired people with a tendency towards baldness.

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Xana Sousa

She develops her work in the field of drawing and painting, making interventions on recovered old papers, fabrics and objects, focusing her process on the relationship between subject, object and space, spun by the concept of memory.

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Mercè Soler

In Berlin she discovered bookbinding and it was on her return to Barcelona, after ten years, that she unites trade and concept. Her books are transcriptions of everything that is not said.

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Laía Argüelles Folch

Laía Argüelles is a visual artist and writer. Interested in the potential of images and language as a way of relating to the world, the artist addresses notions such as materiality, collection and repetition, through exercises in assemblage, folding and unfolding.

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Març Rabal

Born in Barcelona in 1976, the city where she currently lives and works, she began her studies in Fine Arts in 1996 at the University of Barcelona until 1999, when she received a scholarship to Paris to study at the École Nationale d'Arts Décoratifs (ENSAD) and lived for almost two years in the French city, dedicating herself to different art-related professions.

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Phillip Maisel

Phillip Maisel utilizes site-informed materials to create sculpture, collage, and photographic objects, which serve as venues for contemplation about the materials themselves. His work subverts expectations of photographic space and the viewer’s visual literacy as a way to question dominant and assumed power structures.

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