Xana Sousa

Portugal, 1986

She develops her work in the field of drawing, painting and installation, making interventions on old recovered papers, canvases and objects, focusing on the relationship between subject, object and space, threaded by the concept of memory.

She studied the Master in Artistic Creation: Realisms and Contexts at the Faculty of Fine Arts in Barcelona in 2010 and the Degree in Painting at the Faculty of Fine Arts in Lisbon in 2008.

In parallel to her individual work, she collaborates with other artists and institutions and is the founder of Colectivo Tempos de Vista, created in 2008, whose object of study is the historical places that have fallen apart in Portugal, previously carrying out an exhaustive investigation of the place, its context and its memory in order to transform them and give them new artistic perspectives.

The Collective’s curatorial projects have been hosted by the Reservatorio Mãe d’Água, the Carris Museum and the Astronomical Observatory in Lisbon, the Fábrica Lapís Viarco and the Fábrica Creativa Oliva, in S. João da Madeira, previously supported by the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, the Centro Nacional de Cultura, Jovens Criadores, CML, FBAUL – Cieba and FCT. In 2015, he founded the Atelier Contentious with three artists.