A home for art

Chiquita Room is a contemporary art center that works simultaneously as a gallery, a residence for artists and an artist book publisher. We are dedicated to accompany artists along their projects, reflecting relevant issues to society through a critical, innovative and collective approach, while exploring the poetics of artistic expression from the interaction between art and other disciplines. Our aim is to make people aware of art as a way to live a better life, as a source of knowledge and beauty, in order to expand their points of view and interpretations of reality. All this is possible thanks to a team of good people, wo work committed, skilled and passionately taking great care of the processes and details.

"Art Is a Guaranty of Sanity."
Louise Bourgeois

Contemporary art gallery

Chiquita Room is the heir to the artist’s book publishing project Chiquita Ediciones, which opened in 2018 as a commitment from its director, Laura González Palacios.

Chiquita Room exhibits artists and curates projects that want to reflect relevant issues for contemporary society with a critical and innovative approach, while exploring the poetics of artistic expression through the interaction between art and other disciplines. The public that visits Chiquita Room is invited to reflect, analyze or discuss the proposed topics, expanding them with personal points of view and interpretations. Each artistic project on display is expanded with an edited book.

In its five years of experience, Chiquita Room has maintained a constant activity and presented more than 30 exhibitions, including solo and group shows. During this time, it has published more than twenty publications, has been nominated for the Catalan Association of Art Critics award in 2020 and 2024 and has received the award for Best Gallery in Barcelona in 2021, by Time Out magazine.

Publishing house

Chiquita Ediciones was born in 2013 as an independent micro-publisher specialized in artist’s books, from unfinished publications, Chiquita Ediciones invited artists to participate in them in order to generate a dialogue and interaction. All exhibitions held at the art center have an associated publication.

Artist Residency

Chiquita Room is a home for international artists, it offers a space for accommodation, artistic production and exhibition. Through its own residency program, it invites artists to live in Barcelona, ​​integrate and be inspired by the city and carry out the entire creative process.

Artists in residency

Salamanca, España

Lara Ruiz
Abril, 2024

Madrid, España

Iñaki Domingo
Julio 2023

San Francisco, Estados Unidos

Lynn Marie Kirby
Julio 2022

Amsterdam, Países Bajos

Annosh Urbake
Junio 2022

Zaragoza, España

Laía Argüelles Folch
Mayo 2022

Londres, Reino Unido

Louis Porter
Abril 2022

Praga, República Checa

Jaro Varga
Marzo 2021

Nueva York, Estados Unidos

Marina Sagona
Enero 2021

Lisboa, Portugal

Xana Sousa
Diciembre 2020

Lucerna, Suiza

Barbara Davi
Febrero 2020

Santander, España

Marta Valledor
Agosto 2019

Santiago, Chile

Alfredo Da Venezia
Julio 2019


Direction: Laura González Palacios

Communication: Erica Volpini

Graphic design: Ámbar Amill Bosco

Press: Teresa Vallbona

Website: Alejandro López