Arts Libris Fair

This year we return to Arts Libris, a publishing fair specializing in artist publications, photobooks, contemporary thought, self-publishing and digital publications. Chiquita Room is the result of a publishing project, Chiquita Ediciones, which focuses on the artist’s book as a more accessible support for contemporary art.
In addition, we are especially excited that this edition of Arts Libris will be held in our neighborhood, specifically in the Mercat de Sant Antoni, and will collaborate with the Mercat Dominical del Llibre de Sant Antoni. This space is linked to the literary memory of the city, but also to the gallery, which in 2019 inaugurated a photographic project by Asier Rua on the works of the market and its link with the neighborhood.
Happiness + 7 because in this edition of the fair, Arts Libris has awarded seven of the publications we presented at the fair. We are also happy because ‘Two Concrete Things’ by Phillip Maisel, ‘Un final.’ and ‘to talk about trees’ by Sara Agudo Millán, ‘El llibre dels passos perduts’ by Isabel Banal, ‘Una cançó per a ningú’ by Merce Soler, ‘Why I write’ by Louis Porter and ‘Sísifo’ by Laia Arguelles are now part of the collection of Fundación Banco Sabadell.
18 June - 20 June 202118 June 2021 20 June 2021 11:00 - 20:00
Mercat de Sant AntoniComte d'Urgell, 1, Barcelona, 08011
- Este evento ha pasado.
Book your tickets for Arts Libris
18 June 2021 @ 11:00 - 20 June 2021 @ 20:00
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