Teresa Estapé and Daniel Gasol in MACBA Collection Arte

Chiquita Room
1 Jul 2023

The exhibition “Collection MACBA. Prelude. Poetic Intention” is transformed by 21 new artworks. Six months after it first opened – 85.000 visitors-, and given its multiple and mutable character, MACBA carries out the first set of changes in the exhibition, removing some artworks from view to give way to new additions, which will set up new dialogues.

Among the artists that have been included are Teresa Estapé and Daniel Gasol with projects that we showed in Chiquita Room some time ago.

Valor refugio (II) by Teresa Estapé is one of the artworks included in the exhibition and that we show in Oro, papel, diamante. With this installation, Teresa Estapé resorts to paper, an element she often uses in her artistic practice, specifically the DIN A4 format which she considers to be a paradiigm of normativity. In response to the acronym DIN to the slogan Das ist Norm (“this is standard” in German), Estapé walks through the installation of 96 sheets of paper with the phrase “Show me the money”, printed with an uninked punch across all the sheets of paper. In this way he recovers the capitalist cry of the 1990s, which, although more veiled, we carry with us to this day, and between the sheets of paper he camouflages in form and colour a sheet of 18-carat gold painted white. In this way, the most important value of the piece, the one that could be most easily monetised, is hidden in the installation.


Three installations by the artist Daniel Gasol were part of the exhibition Orden público: Vagos, Maleantes y Peligrosidad Social, a project that smuggles files from the Vagos y Maleantes Act (1933-1970) and the Social Dangerousness Act (1970-1995) to think about how the legislation turns the underprivileged classes into criminals who must redeem themselves by working for the state. Among these installations are Identidades punibles, Literatura para un sistema de producción nacional and No se os puede dejar solos.