Proyecto de ordenación

This video-projection is made with the leftovers collected from the vinyl set screens used by a town planning studio before the advent of the cad and gis (geographic information systems) specialized software, and are at the same time the result of the town planning qualifications outlined with fine point, rotring, graphics, fountain pen, drawing pen, crazy moustache, dancing moustache, corbel templates, circular, elliptical and clothoid circumferences. The profiles of these plots are also the vestiges of what were once the town planning projects of a city and the legacy of an analogical town planner who has now disappeared.
Edition of 5 high quality videos on pendrive or CD plus case.
150€ (IVA incl.)
5 in stock
More about the artist
Marcel Pié Barba
Marcel is a filmmaker and teacher and his work focuses on the field of experimental animation. He participates in the exhibition Barcelona Plan B.
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