Poema de certa estructura comparable a una ciutat (out of stock)

Artista: Mar Arza
In this planned city, in this plan B of what we know as Barcelona, we advocate distinguishing its streets as a poetic sign. The nomenclature is drawn up on the basis of naming life, without entering into the politics of the transitory, without personalism, without the hidden pretension of transmitting ideology.
The streets could be named according to their link with creativity, nature, life, the human. Naming the city would be like devising a plan to link everyday life and the feelings we go through. It would then result in a poetic essay according to the routes. Successive steps to walk a poem. Or, how the homage to the language itself and its infinite vocabulary has the capacity to resignify the place in spaces of the common and the collective.
In today’s city there are already streets that affirm this criterion. A small redoubt of utopia. This is a compilation of the city’s ideals. From here, we could imagine that it would extend to the completion of the urban fabric, to end up questioning whether this is a new partisan ideology or the equanimity that we wish for a shared city.
Numbered edition of 100 poetic maps.
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