A Catalogue of a Young Country Ladies Library Exhibition

A Catalogue of a Young Country Ladies Library is an exhibition by Louis Porter at Terranova bookstore in collaboration with Chiquita Room. Louis Porter compiles here a collection of photographic postcards depicting women engaged in the act of reading, juxtaposed with a list written by Anne Baker in 1712 of recommended items to be included in a “Ladies” library.
As the academic Melanie Bigold notes in her short text, “The formation of a library is a creative and cultural act, and collections of books – whether read or not – are conduits for self-definition.” The concept of “conduits for self-definition” and the plasticity of how this identity is formed, is what links the two elements in the project.
Most of the postcards, which were collected by Louis Porter between 2019-2023, are from the early 20th century, when the photographic postcard was a new invention. They are images in motion that simultaneously present a personal experience within a technically mediated cultural framework. A photograph is always a performance, the question is for whom or what? Anne Baker’s list of items in a “Young Country Ladies Library” is not entirely what it seems on first glance either. Written in response to an unrealised promise by The Spectator magazine to publish a list of recommended readings for women, Baker created her own semi-fictional list and in doing so embedded subtle remarks on the expectations placed upon the female reader.
Opening: Saturday, September 2 at 7 pm.
In collaboration with
2 September - 1 October 20232 September 2023 1 October 2023 Tuesday to Friday: 12 am – 8 pm Saturday: 11 am – 3 pm
TerranovaComte Borrell, 99, Barcelona, 08015
- Este evento ha pasado.
Book your tickets for A Catalogue of a Young Country Ladies Library
2 September - 1 October 2023
Tuesday to Friday
12 am – 8 pm
11 am – 3 pm
Book now
Louis Porter
Louis Porter is a London based artist, photographer, researcher and educator in photographic processes. His work focusses on the circulation and recirculation of images, texts, ideas and the technologies of reproduction that enable this.
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