Time Bends as We Come Closer Exhibition

Time Bends as We Come Closer is an exhibition by Pedro Torres as part of Barcelona Gallery Weekend. The exhibition is about the curvature of the spacetime and our relationship with the force of gravity. In classical mechanics, gravitation is an attractiveforce that acts between bodies with mass, but since the general theory of relativity it is understood as the deformation of the geometry of spacetime caused by a mass (the mass bends the spacetime). Gravity is an invisible force and, contrary to what one might think, it is very weak–the weakest among the four fundamental interactions in nature. An interaction that has shaped us (chemically, physically and intellectually) in our daily and cosmological environments. Employing a variety of media (sound, neon, text, video, installation), Pedro Torres proposes different configurations that are intertwined in the gallery space and affect our bodies as we enter the exhibition.
Download the leaflet with a text by Mónica Bello, artistic curator and director of Arts at CERN, and another by Pedro Torres.
17 September - 7 November 202017 September 2020 7 November 2020 Tuesday to Friday: 12 am – 8 pm Saturday: 11 am – 3 pm
Chiquita Room- Este evento ha pasado.
Book your tickets for Time Bends as We Come Closer
17 September - 7 November 2020
Tuesday to Friday
12 am – 8 pm
11 am – 3 pm
Book now
Pedro Torres
Pedro Torres focuses his artistic practice on issues related to the concepts of time, distance, memory, language and image, using a variety of media in the development of his works and research projects. He is interested in working with these elements-coordinates in a combined and subjective way, where aesthetics and concept are balanced.
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