Marina is a work composed of extremely fragile multiple pieces, which resorts to fragmentation and recontextualization through the intervention of photographs with motifs of sea and waves in glass tesserae. On supports of the same material, the artist starts from fragments of images relocated to form new images, in an attempt to make a continent of a content as incomprehensible as the ocean. For this, the framing allows composing by means of tesserae fixed, caulked, on the support with mud extracted personally from a Finnish lake.
Found photography, glass, Ruuhijärvi (Finland)
16.7 x 10.4 x 0.6 cm
More about the artist
Laía Argüelles Folch
Laía Argüelles Folch is a visual artist and writer. Interested in the potential of images and language as a way of relating to the world, the artist addresses notions such as materiality, collection and repetition, through exercises in assemblage, folding and unfolding.
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