Letters to Hystera

Taller de Laia Arqueros Carrer Del Portell 10, Barcelona

Faced with the need for referents and to share the experience of her hysterectomy, Laia Arqueros embarked on Gynopia and the Spasm.


Night of Queens
and tarot 2024

Chiquita Room C/ Villaroel, 25, Barcelona

On January 5, 2024 at 5:00 pm, on the eve of Epiphany and at tea time, we will meet again to share for the sixth consecutive year a collective tarot reading that will help us to know the values to approach the new year. This year we will have some special guests in the room: […]

€7 – €50

Visit to MACBA
with Teresa Estapé

MACBA Plaça dels Àngels, 1, Barcelona

The artist Teresa Estapé will give us a guided tour of her installation Valor refugio II, within the exhibition MACBA Collection: Prelude. Poetic intention.

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Letters to Hystera

Chiquita Room C/ Villaroel, 25, Barcelona

Faced with the need for referents and to share the experience of her hysterectomy, Laia Arqueros embarked on Gynopia and the Spasm.

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Presence Is the Only Goddess I Worship

Chiquita Room C/ Villaroel, 25, Barcelona

One of life’s greatest challenges is to remain present in it. Our minds wander in constant yet fruitless fugue between the past and the future. Meanwhile, the famous here-and-now—that place of intimacy with the fluttering totality of our own beings—is our one true refuge for savouring the gift of being alive. Presence Is the Only Goddess […]

Plums, Decoding Sparrows and Sweet Bread

Chiquita Room C/ Villaroel, 25, Barcelona

On Tuesday, January 23 at 8 p.m. we will present the artist's edition of Plums, Decoding Sparrows, Sweet Bread, as a collaboration between Teresa Estapé and poet Mariano Zaro.

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Three Pages

Chiquita Room C/ Villaroel, 25, Barcelona

On the occasion of the presentation of Una página, the new edition of Laía Argüelles Folch published by Chiquita Room, the artist and writer meets at the gallery with the artist Sara Agudo Millán and the gallery owner and editor Laura González Palacios for a three-voice reading about presence, attention and imagination. Based on the […]

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In Real Time

Chiquita Room C/ Villaroel, 25, Barcelona

In Real Time is a performative action that subtly accompanies us to sharpen our senses. Mar Serinyà offers us an action where the voice, the sound of the monochord and the audiovisual image combine to create a real-time experience. Her artistic practice is intimately related to her vital research. To carry it out, Mar uses […]

€5 – €7

Le jour et la nuit
du réel

Chiquita Room C/ Villaroel, 25, Barcelona

There is no act of artistic creation without Colleen's total presence - physical, mental and emotional - in front of her working tools. Cécile Schott has always maintained a loving dialogue with the many musical instruments that have allowed her to express herself musically for more than 20 years under her stage name, and more […]

€5 – €7

ARCOmadrid 2024

ifema madrid Avda. del Partenón, 5, Madrid

It is with great joy that we announce once again the participation of Chiquita Room in ARCOmadrid 2024. For the second consecutive year, the gallery will be part of the Opening section, curated this time by Yina Jiménez Suriel and Cristina Anglada. In this space of discovery of new proposals and in support of young […]

Lo que no dibujo

Chiquita Room C/ Villaroel, 25, Barcelona

What I Don’t Draw is a performance by Xavi Rodríguez Martín in which he invites us to observe how he invokes his creative universe, where the boundaries between the tangible and the intangible are blurred. In real time, Xavi interweaves text and image in an exercise of presence to bring us closer to seeing what he […]

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Chiquita Room C/ Villaroel, 25, Barcelona

Coleiras is an interactive performative action that emphasizes on the power of the voice as an instrument for collective communication. For the closing of the show Presence Is the Only Goddess I Worship, Mar Serinyà and Xana Sousa, artists with artworks in the group-show, and Alba Casaramona, invite us to "speak up" as a tool […]

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Spirito portatile

Chiquita Room C/ Villaroel, 25, Barcelona

Spirito portatile is an exhibition by Laura Zuccaro that stems from the exploration of primordial space and its portable form, on both the material plane and the spiritual one. Using a series of watercolours that sketch out modular structures and the construction of a container for carrying personal items, provisions, lessons learnt and experiences, the […]

Sant Jordi 2024 by Tandem on Books

Chiquita Room C/ Villaroel, 25, Barcelona

From Chiquita Room, once again, on 23 April we are celebrating Sant Jordi with Tandem on Books, an action platform dedicated to promoting knowledge of artists' books. This time, we inaugurated a small one-day exhibition at the gallery, which as you know is also a publisher of artist's books. Curated by Tandem on Books, we […]

Apnea. An evening of free diving.

Chiquita Room C/ Villaroel, 25, Barcelona

Halfway between fetishism and accumulation, book collecting is, like any other collecting, a personal and subjective practice. Each book in a collection tells the story of why it is there, while at the same time telling us about the person who decided to make it so. With the intention of aesthetically and conceptually exploring his […]

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Galería Pelaires Carrer de Can Verí, 3, Palma

The multidisciplinary practice of Julia Aurora Guzmán (Santo Domingo, 1993) oscillates between sculpture, textiles, photography and performance, and emerges as a response to a profound exploration of the transitory cycles in human life, paying special attention to threshold moments. Her works honour births, deaths and tend to the present, becoming sensorial metaphors for the search […]

An Endless House

Chiquita Room C/ Villaroel, 25, Barcelona

On the occasion of the closing of the exhibition Spirito portatile, we invite you to the unfolding of Acuario, a work by Laura Zuccaro conceived as a two-coloured hanging canvas, with a poem that can only be read from the inside. The piece thus becomes an intimate, portable space that invites to be inhabited and […]

Sembla tot com un sol dia

Chiquita Room C/ Villaroel, 25, Barcelona

Sembla tot com un sol dia (It All Feels Like a Single Day) is an exhibition by the Catalan photographer Alba Yruela in which she formulates a web of life. It is a personal and subjective relationship with the environment, which takes place in the space we usually know as nature. Through a light box […]

Fer dissabte

Chiquita Room C/ Villaroel, 25, Barcelona

We keep the traditional breakfasts with the artist Alba Yruela for her exhibitions, this time during Sembla tot com un sol dia (It All Feels Like a Single Day), in the framework of Art Nou 2024, on Saturday, July 6 at 11:00 am.

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Happy Summer Holidays!

Chiquita Room C/ Villaroel, 25, Barcelona

“Life was a perpetual holiday in those days.” (Cesare Pavese, La bella estate) From August 15th to 26th, 2024, both days included, Chiquita Room will be closed. During this time, you can send any inquiries or requests to hola@chiquitaroom.com. Our online store will remain operational, and we will respond to your orders as soon as possible. We look forward to […]

Art-o-rama 2024

Art-O-Rama 41 Rue Jobin, Marseille

From August 30 to September 1, 2024, Chiquita Room will participate in the contemporary art fair Art-o-rama in Marseille, presenting the work of artists Laura Zuccaro and Xana Sousa. We present a range of disclosures that will make us aware of the weight we carry and the weight we can discharge to keep moving forward, […]

Subtitles for Reality

Chiquita Room C/ Villaroel, 25, Barcelona

The gallery Chiquita Room and the bookstores Terranova in Barcelona and Saint-Martin in Brussels host a triangular collaboration with the artist Antonio Menchen, scheduled for the rentrée. From September 6th to 7th, Chiquita Room transforms into an interactive film set where the audience becomes co-authors of a temporary fiction, using images, props, film fragments, and […]

Florilegium – Personal Anthologies

Chiquita Room C/ Villaroel, 25, Barcelona

In this performance, Louis Porter creates a small collection of personalized artist books. Inspired by the concept of the florilegium (or "gathering of flowers") —a medieval tradition in which fragments of material were combined to form literary anthologies— the artist brings to the gallery printed matter that has informed his exhibition The Appearance of a […]


Florilegium – Personal Anthologies

Chiquita Room C/ Villaroel, 25, Barcelona

In this performance, Louis Porter creates a small collection of personalized artist books. Inspired by the concept of the florilegium (or “gathering of flowers”) —a medieval tradition in which fragments of material were combined to form literary anthologies— the artist brings to the gallery printed matter that has informed his exhibition The Appearance of a Distance, such as copies and […]

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