Núria Gómez Gabriel

Núria Gómez Gabriel is an art critic, teacher and researcher in the field of communication and visual culture. Her work focuses on observing the transformation of affective relationships after the introduction of new technologies and emotional surveillance systems. Co-author of the book Love me, Tinder (Temas de hoy, 2019), she has shown her projects in cultural platforms such as CCCBLAB Research and Innovation in Culture of the Center for Contemporary Culture of Barcelona, MACBA Research Support Residency (Barcelona, 2018-2019), FEMTEK Contemporary Artistic Practices, Feminisms and Technology (Bilbao, 2019), LOOP Barcelona International Video Art Festival (Barcelona, 2017-2019), Kosmopolis Festival (CCCB, Barcelona, 2019) and the CA2M Image Study Days (Madrid, 2016), among others. He is currently developing his lines of research in collaboration with the universities UAB and UPF of Barcelona. Participates in the exhibition “Arcana: los secretos del tarot”.