Todavía siempre

Museo MARCO Rúa do Príncipe, 54, Vigo

Todavía siempre brings together a selection of works from the last ten years in which Laía Argüelles Folch (Zaragoza, 1986) has developed her methodology of thought and composition, based on research and work with materials found in flea markets, collector's shops, and second-hand bookstores from various countries. Interested in the potential of images and language […]

The Appearance of a Distance

Chiquita Room C/ Villaroel, 25, Barcelona

Taking its name from the German thinker Walter Benjamin's description of the aura, this exhibition looks at the contemporary manifestation of distance: the distance between things, ideas and ourselves. In an era of connectivity, why does everything seem so far apart? Drawing from libraries, archives and flea-markets in both Barcelona and London, Louis Porter has […]