Utera was here

Chiquita Room C/ Villaroel, 25, Barcelona

Ante la necesidad de referentes y de compartir la experiencia de su histerectomía, Laia Arqueros se embarcó en un proyecto que aborda directamente lo que implica ser una mujer histerectomizada en la sociedad contemporánea.

Conversation between Isabel Banal and Bea Espejo

Chiquita Room C/ Villaroel, 25, Barcelona

As part of Isabel Banal's exhibition, Abismes, at Chiquita Room, a conversation will take place between the artist and Bea Espejo, curator and art critic. Isabel and Bea have been sending each other missives for years about the colour white and their devotion is such that it will be a unique moment to listen to […]

Artist Talk with Laia Arqueros Claramunt

Chiquita Room C/ Villaroel, 25, Barcelona

Con motivo de la exposición La Gynopia y el espasmo tendrá lugar una conversación con la artista Laia Arqueros Claramunt sobre sus procesos de trabajo.

Letters to Hystera

Taller de Laia Arqueros Carrer Del Portell 10, Barcelona

Faced with the need for referents and to share the experience of her hysterectomy, Laia Arqueros embarked on Gynopia and the Spasm.


Letters to Hystera

Chiquita Room C/ Villaroel, 25, Barcelona

Faced with the need for referents and to share the experience of her hysterectomy, Laia Arqueros embarked on Gynopia and the Spasm.

Entrada gratuita

Fer dissabte

Chiquita Room C/ Villaroel, 25, Barcelona

We keep the traditional breakfasts with the artist Alba Yruela for her exhibitions, this time during Sembla tot com un sol dia (It All Feels Like a Single Day), in the framework of Art Nou 2024, on Saturday, July 6 at 11:00 am.

Entrada gratuita