Instruction Manual
for Nothing

Chiquita Room C/ Villaroel, 25, Barcelona

The exhibition Instruction Manual for Nothing pools together two artistic processes that share the same open and experimental methodology. Xavi Rodríguez Martín reflects on abstract comics and the Expanded Books Project, shifting away from traditional narratives to go in search of a narrative non-structure that evokes the endless knot. Blanca Viñas uses the limitations of analogue photography to […]


Chiquita Room C/ Villaroel, 25, Barcelona

Within the context of the exhibition Instruction Manual for Nothing, we will carry out a drawing workshop that proposes to use the chalcographic technique as a means to explore and expand the graphic possibilities. Taking as a starting point the spontaneous gesture, imprecision and acceptance of error, we will seek the encounter to generate unique […]

RSVP Now Entrada gratuita 18 spots left

Light and Action

Chiquita Room C/ Villaroel, 25, Barcelona

Within the context of the exhibition Instruction Manual for Nothing we are organizing a slide show and exercises for exploring their creative possibilities.

RSVP Now Entrada gratuita 18 spots left