Mari Chordà

Mari Chordà is a painter, poet and feminist activist. She studied at the School of Fine Arts in Barcelona and from a very young age experimented with pictorial representations of the female body with the series Vaginals and, later, in 1966 in Paris, with Autorretrats embarassada (currently at the MNAC), dedicated to pregnancy and motherhood.
Her pictorial work has been exhibited at the Tate Modern in London, at the Museo de Arte Contemporáneo de Castilla y León, at the Centro de Cultura Contemporánea de Barcelona, at Lo Pati de Amposta, and is part of the permanent collection of the Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía, the MACBA and the MNAC.
She actively participated, and is a reference, in the feminist movements that began to burst in the sixties. She founded the local Lo Llar de Amposta, was co-founder of the Bar-Biblioteca LaSal in Barcelona and, a few months later, she also founded LaSal ediciones de las mujeres, the first feminist publishing house in Spain.
As a poet she has published Quadern del cos i l’aigua with illustrations by Montse Clavé (1978), Locomotora infidel pel passat (1988), Umbilicals (2000) and No com un so (2022).