Eva Vázquez Abraham

My mother is Filipino and my father is from Barcelona. I grew up in an environment with a curious mixture of eastern and western elements that have defined my interests, my work and my philosophy of life. I have been drawing and painting since I started walking. My favorite toys were pencils, brushes, fabrics and wool (objects and materials that over time have become my working tools). As a child I collected stories about animals and also about faraway countries. I dreamed of becoming a veterinarian but as I was terrified by the idea of dissecting living beings, when I was a little older I decided to study Fine Arts (which paradoxically turned out to be another way of dissecting life). In college I ended up almost by chance in a subject called Symbolism, whose content made me fall in love with it and awakened my desire to continue studying.
So after a while I enrolled again at the university to study Philosophy. All those years I combined my university studies with another of my great passions, dance, which accompanied me almost daily for 20 years.
My artistic work is a mixture in which all these elements are interwoven and connected. In my works I investigate the interrelation between internal experiences and the external world, the body as vehicle, container and landscape, nature and its processes, the human being as an animal that tries to conceal its identity, the metamorphosis, and the morphological analogies that allow us to re-identify ourselves with the nature we are. I consider the whole of my work as a large map in which I build a personal interpretation of the inner and outer world. A self-portrait where I describe my experiences as a travel diary.