Sant Jordi 2023 by Tandem on Books Fair

From Chiquita Room we have teamed up with Ximena Pérez Grobet, a Mexican artist with extensive experience in book and publishing, visual creation, design and editorial coordination, to create Tandem on Books, an action platform dedicated to promote the knowledge of artists’ books.
On April 23, on the occasion of Sant Jordi, we are presenting a fair of artists’ books and publications at Sant Lluc Cercle Artístic, an institution founded in 1893, a reference among the community of artists in Barcelona as a place of meeting and sharing of processes and learning from different disciplines. About thirty artists and independent publishers will participate in the fair, which we have selected with a lot of care and who come from various cities and countries.
You can find us on Sunday April 23 from 11 am to 8 pm at Carrer dels Mercaders, 42 in Barcelona (next to the Mercat de Santa Caterina square).
13L, edicions
ABC (Artists’ Books Cooperative)
Ángel Cajal
Animales de Lorca
Ca l’Antiga – Espai d’art
Carme Riu de Martin
Carme Parellada
Chiquita Ediciones
Do the Print
Dolors Luján Arnáez
Edicions Poncianes
El Naufraguito
Elies Plana
Enric Masó
Eva Pujol
Familia Editions
La Rita Cooper edita
Lindero Libros
Lluís Cadafalch
Maria Pujol – Taller de Gravat Manera Negra
Mercè Soler
Mia Martí
Mireia Vidal Sau
Museu Molí Paperer de Capellades
OlyaDubovik&Victòria Rabal
Per(r)ucho Risograph
Pilar Álvarez Pablos
Ricardo Voss Rossi
Teresa Gómez Martorell
Urbild Editions
Valeria Brancaforte
Victòria Santesmases
Xana Sousa
Ximena Pérez Grobet
23 April 202323 April 2023 23 April 2023 11:00 - 20:00
Sant Lluc Cercle ArtísticCarrer dels Mercaders 42, Barcelona, 08003
- Este evento ha pasado.