Nacho Simal

Nacho Simal graduated in Fine Arts at the Faculty of Barcelona (1998) and immediately began exhibiting his paintings and drawings in galleries and museums in Barcelona, Zaragoza and Madrid. In 2001 he created the artist collective E.T. with whom he has exhibited, among others, in Paris, Rome, Rotterdam and London. In 2008 he created and coordinated the art magazine “La Cruda”, a platform that works as a graphic mosaic, giving voice to emerging and world-renowned artists, showing his personal, surprising and strange vision of the contemporary world.His particular look on nature leads him to generate a series of vital metaphors that he describes in his work. Both the drawings and the paintings are based on the revision of a large number of drawings that he has been making sequentially and instinctively throughout his artistic career. In a continuous process of personal reconstruction, his works combine different approaches to the idea of reality. As a multidisciplinary artist, he searches for the most appropriate technique to capture the ideas he wants to develop. Through large format drawings, Nacho Simal is currently working with the comic as a concept and developing different aspects of this broad language. He participates in the exhibition “Arcana: los secretos del tarot”.