Lara Ruiz

Lara Ruiz is a visual artist with a degree in Fine Arts from the University of Salamanca and a Masters in Artistic Production from the Polytechnic University of Valencia. She has recently been awarded in X Biennial of Graphic Work and in IX Iberoamerican Biennial of Graphic Work (2021), in the Plastic Arts Contest ‘El Broncense’ (2019), she is also part of the project “La otra ciudad. Recorridos de una gráfica disidente” organised by the Autonomous University of Ciudad Juárez (Mexico), she was also one of the artists selected for the Riverside project in Fernanda Fragateiro’s workshop organised by the Vilaseco Gallery (A Coruña).
In the last few years her work has been exhibited and promoted in Young Luxembourgish Artists Vol.3 (2023), the Museum of Contemporary Art of León -MUSAC- (2022), at the XIV Havana Biennial in Cuba (2022), at Art Code Space in Miami (2021), at the Domus Artium DA2 Contemporary Art Centre in Salamanca (2020), at Tabacalera Art Promotion of Madrid of the Spanish Ministry of Culture (2019), at the Art Fair in Taiwan (2015), at the La Rectoría Foundation in Barcelona (2013), at the Málaga Provincial Council (2010) and for the Regional Government of Extremadura (2008).
Her artistic practice frequently resorts to the creation of languages through colour and form. She does not only produce in her studio, as she frequently participates in workshops and actions that encourage public interaction. These activities engage and stimulate the viewer to compose through exercises in action and composition, thus extending the artistic experience beyond the conventional boundaries of the studio and the art exhibition.