Valentina Alvarado Matos

Valentina Alvarado Matos (1986, Maracaibo) is a visual artist with a Bachelor’s degree in Graphic Design from the Universidad del Zulia, where she was a professor in the Faculty of Experimental Arts. In 2014 she completed a Master’s degree in Contemporary Artistic Creation at the University of Barcelona.
Her work has been presented in exhibitions and festivals such as Salzburger Kunstverein, Ateljeföreningen Hospitalet Uppsala, Fabra i Coats, Arts Santa Mònica, Viennale, International Film Festival Rotterdam, L´Alternativa, Oberhausen, Festival Punto de Vista, Ambulante, XCentric, SFCinemateque, S8 Mostra Cine Periférico, Espai 2 Ángels Barcelona, Loop Festival, Cinemateca Matadero Madrid, Filmoteca de Catalunya, among others.
She has been awarded several prizes, including the Guasch-Coranty creation grant, Premis Barcelona, Osic and VEGAP.
She has held artistic residencies at La Escocesa, Fora de Camp and The Liaison of Independent Filmmakers of Toronto, Matadero Madrid, among others.
She is currently artist-in-residence at the Center for Artistic Research and Production HANGAR.